Friday, October 3, 2008

now is gone

I am currently reading the book "now is gone," by Geoff Livingston and I am really enjoying it.

Interesting Fact
There are Seven Categories of Social Media

1. Publishing Platforms
Examples: Blogs, Podcasts and Clogs or Video Blogs

2. Social Networking Sites
Examples: YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace and Facebook

3. Democratized Content Networks
Examples: Digg, NewPR, Wikipedia and old-fashioned forums of all kinds

4. Virtual Networking Platforms
Examples: Second Life and

5. Information Aggregators
Examples: Techmeme and Power 150 Kitchen Sink

6. Edited Social News Platforms
Examples: Fark and Spin Thicket

7. Content Distribution Sites
Examples: Scrapblog, and Clearspring

More to come!

1 comment:

Matt said...

I love it! I don't understand half of the things listed as categories of social media. This means I have lots to learn. I eagerly await more information about these. In the meantime I will be studying the basics, getting a feel for just how big social media really is.